Friday, November 3, 2017

Answer to last week's question

The answer to last week's question,

"I would sooner have faced a dozen skeletons  than this somnambulist. was the clue...

Who was that sleep walking star of the 1947 thriller, "Fear in the night" the second time he was in front of the lens?

Well our winner, Mr Billy Sol Hurak guessed correctly, and will be receiving our grand prize, TWENTY TWO DOLLARS for correctly identifying our star, none other than


Congratulations to Mr Billy Sol Hurak!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Nightmares from yesteryear

And now a word from our sponsor;

Kids. They wear the darnedest things on Halloween.
Oh I hope it is Halloween. Lord, it better be Halloween.

Leatherface, the family is here for the group photo.

No. Just plain no.

 Who needs horror movies?
This "kid" would scare the crap out of me. 
Especially if he was a fast runner.

 And, the girls. There is something in the barn they want to show you.

And the one thing that  should scare every civilized person in Freeland...

I could win

Now last, this:
who is this?
I would sooner have faced a dozen skeletons  than this somnambulist.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Autumn again


Here we are, summer gave up. It's over. Didn't even have to call John Cena or C.M. Punk to tag team summer to the mat.

You want to get morose and vaguely disgruntled?

Summer 2017 is over. How many more summers do you have left? Most people have E-Tickets to 60 or 70 summers, how many have you burned through? Humans don't remember that Saturday when you did the laundry and mopped. (Remember that day mom cleaned the bathroom and dad cut the grass?             Me either) Humans remember the "out of the ordinary, " (Remember that day we went up the coast and saw all those horse-shoe crabs, and that one big one with the barnacles on it's back? then we went out for a fish fry, one of those joints Mr. Swanky got food poisoning from? YES! I got the  clam boat, it was awesome!)

That Mr. Swanky, he knows every cool, non-snobbery eatery between the Aberdeen Proving Grounds(1)  and Kittery Maine.
And as far west as Hattie's shack in Saratoga Falls NY

PS the fry cook at Hatties beat Beat Bobby Flay in a fried chicken cook-off, July 22, 2006

1) Aberdeen Proving Ground, also known as APG, is an Army post located on 72,500 acres in Harford County, Maryland. The installation touches the Chesapeake Bay, as well as the Susquehanna and Gunpowder rivers. Created and opened in 1917, APG is the Army's oldest active proving ground.

That is where they test weapons, bullets and stuff that goes boom and smarts like the dickens if you are near by.

But I am not feeling so good these days, I got a fever, and the only cure is more cow bell

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Video record

My suggestion, Beware of Maher bearing cameras.

Or, don't do it in front of me when I have a camera, because what happens in Drums, Does Not always *stay* in Drums

Just ask these people

Friday, August 4, 2017

Sad Day in NEPA

One of my first posts to this blog was about the local "Watering Hole" 

Many did not believe me that people "Steal" the water. There has been an update today,  the original post follows.

Hazleton 1 News 

Aug. 4, 8:30 am
A very popular spring in Ebervale along 940 between Freeland and Hazleton has been closed to the public with warnings posted that tresspassing laws will be enforced as well as stating that the land is private property used for public water supply purposes.
The pathway to the spring is blocked with a large pile of stone and beyond that the spring itself is covered in gravel.
Local residents who have used the spring intend to petition to have the area reopened.
No clear reason for closing the spring has been released. 


Just south of town there is a "pond" fenced-in, with barbed wire on the top of the fence.
(click on any picture for a larger view, click off to return, if you want to)

(Note: I just noticed that the barbed wire is facing in, not out, normally it faces out to keep intruders out, and in to keep whatever is inside in.)

Several times I have seen people walking away from this "pond" carrying jugs of water.

Big jugs of water.

They are filling the jugs from a hole in a pipe that drains into the  "pond".

This hole.


But, where does the pipe come from?

Well a little shack in the woods of corse.

Lets take a walk and see.

Why would people drink water from a rusty pipe in the woods?
Well I don't know. Perhaps they think it is blessed or something.

What would make them think that? 

Well guess what we found in the woods.

What is this?

A closer look.

Yes that is a part of the Bible. Exodus I think

Someone colored in the eyes of one of the statues with a Sharpie

And, if you change your mind about taking "woods pipe water" home, someone left a trash can for your empties.

I am *really* hoping someone here tells me I am wrong and these Freeland folks are not drinking this stuff.
But, then again this is Freeland.

Sometimes, I say to myself, "My God, what have I done?"
and other times I just don't know.

Science Corner

Welcome to our first in a series of on-line learning seminars.

Today, The Turbo Encabulator


Sunday, July 30, 2017

rocket man ll

So my old pal, "Doc Brown"was tracked down this week by my team of internet spiders. (They live on the web)

here we are, 1978

So, that is Chip (seated) Andy, John, John, Chris, Kevin (The handsome one)  Barton and Brendon.
Our ship (T-13) "the African Queen" behind us served us well.

More to come...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Rocket man


I dont know...

foot prints

No one, not any Russian, stinking chinaman, French, German, No one.

They all can claim to be great but not one stinking one of them can change the fact there is an AMERICAN flag and AMERICAN foot prints on the moon.

Oh, yea, and a car. We left a car on the moon.

20 July 1969, 4:18 pm EST

Friday, June 30, 2017

I know you are out there, I can hear you texting!

I have gazed into the abyss, and the abyss has gazed into me.

Neither of us liked what we saw.” 

― Brother Theodore