Well I really did it. Yesterday morning about 6:30 Mary came into the living room with a cup of coffee that she made in our Keurig one cup thing. She showed me how she could remove the aluminum foil lid and take out the coffee grinds ant the little cup was just about perfect for planting seedlings. I thought this was such a great idea, I went and posted this image and the idea that used K cups can be repurposed as seedling planters on the gardening forum on Reddit.

As of 5 AM Saturday, January 23 that post has over 4000 likes, five Internet awards and over 300 comments. Do you think the people on the gardening discussion group like the idea? Well if you thought yes, you're almost right. There are some that I thought was a good idea and a way to reuse the little plastic cups instead of just throwing them out. But it took about eight minutes after I posted that idea for the conversation to devolve into an argument about how environmentally and ethically unsound it is to use K cups in the first place. Apparently to some only Satan uses K cups when he entertains Hitler for an early morning coffee klatch. Many of the commenters told me to throw away my Keurig and steep my coffee in a cotton sock that I can wash and reuse because only a bastard would use single coffee pods. Some even went so far to say I should never drink coffee because it subjugates the indigenous peoples of Sumatra and Columbia, and every sip of coffee forces a child into slave labor in the coffee mines. Other, kinder souls wanted to help by offering suggestions such as instead of K cups I can use empty egg cartons or the cardboard from toilet paper rolls to start seedlings, all I have to do is put dirt in them.
I find it amusing that I am being schooled by a bunch of people who were sitting in soiled diapers when I got my first email address. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about my ecological footprint I have an overwhelming love of the outdoors, and I don't understand how anyone can see nature and not realize they are looking at the hand of God. So only a monumental fool would think that I would be shamed into changing my lifestyle over something like throwing away a used K-cup.