Friday, September 18, 2015

Burn bridges, destroy the past.

If you don't burn bridges, and destroy the past, it is likely to come back some day when you least expect it.

And it will not be fun. The chickens, they always come to roost.

I think it was Geoffrey Chaucer, in 1390, that said it best:

And ofte tyme swich cursynge wrongfully retorneth agayn to hym that curseth, as a bryd that retorneth agayn to his owene nest.
What he was saying, in a nutshell, some things are like shooting an arrow straight up in the air during the night.

Not a good idea.

My point; not destroying certain evidence, before entered into public record, also not a good idea.

If someone finds something, and is poking his/her nose where it does not belong, then starts asking a lot of questions, this is called "discovery".

This investigative process named "discovery," is because it often turns up facts and documents that were previously unknown -- to at least one party to the lawsuit.

Or kids, not involved in a lawsuit at all, but who were looking through boxes in the attic they had no business opening in the first place.

And began asking questions.

Several questions.

Because they came across this gem.


C. 1986
At work,  Hangar C-1, Westchester County Airport.

Just another day.

'course I didn't actually fly the planes.

Only just during my flying lessons.

I did pass all the tests I took back then though.
Note the little white happy-face just above Buck Wheat.

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