The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
t’was his intent To blow up the King and Parliament.
Over in England, tonight is Bonfire Night.
That commemorates the failure of the
Gunpowder Plot in November 1605 by a gang of Roman Catholic activists and no-goodnicks that wanted to blow up the king.
See, when the Protestant King James I became King, English Catholics
had hoped that the persecution they had suffered for 45 years under
Queen Elizabeth would finally end. When this didn't happen a group
of conspirators got it in their nut to assassinate the King and his ministers by
blowing up the Palace of Westminster during the state opening of
Guy Fawkes and his henchmen planted 2,500kg or, 550 pounds of gunpowder
beneath Parliament, the idea was to light a fuse and blow the place sky-high.
But they got caught, tortured, hanged and drawn and quartered. The bits of them were spread out across the four corners of England, as an example to the rest of the naysayers, and other non-protestant citizens. Everyone was forced to take an
oath of allegiance denying the Pope's authority over the king. If not, well, there were bits of Guy spread out everywhere so you would get the idea.
See, if you were on the King's side Guy and his pals were a bunch of treasonous, murdering mad-men. To Guy Fawkes and the others, they were defenders of the Catholic faith. It is just a matter of prospective, and what you believe is normalcy. In 1605, some thought the King was right no matter what, others thought he needed to be dead.
I think it was Morticia Addams that said it best:
I think it was Morticia Addams that said it best:
"Normal is an illusion.
Normal is not real.
What is normal for the spider
is chaos for the fly"
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