Monday, September 28, 2020

So what? Now I’m not to touch my face?
That’s bullshit.
Sometimes I like touching my face.
Sometimes I like smooshing my face.
And sometimes I wanna claw off my face like the guy in “Poltergeist” did.
Like in the supermarket, yesterday when a woman tried paying for a cart full of shit with her iPhone.
Not with an app, but by handing over her phone with a *picture* of a credit card on a table and announcing, there’s my card, use that

Saturday, March 14, 2020

It’s been a long time

It’s been a long time
 Since my last post here because it’s difficult to be creative when you’re in so much pain, which I have been unfortunatelY.
 Seems like my knees I’ve decided not cooperate but me and the unfortunate position of not being able to walk very much.  And because of this constant pain and gave up on making notes about the many interesting facets living in North East Pennsylvania but I’m going to try to muster and get back traverse electronica folly.
And that electronica dictation goes