Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Getting hitched

Well I hear the young 'uns back in the old neighborhood are starting to get hitched. As well they should.
Plans are being made, arrangements set, and all the trappings for a blissful wedding.

Except one thing.

Nobody does weddings like the weddings in Freeland.

We have wedding bowling.

You are not going to get that kind of nuptial fun in Connecticut or New York.
You think Danbury Duckpin Lanes (7 East Hayestown Road) is set up to handle Duckpins and a wedding reception?

I think not.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Saturday in Freeland.

What to  do on a Saturday in Freeland?

Well, you could ruin a good set of tires, for one thing.

It all skittles™ and beer, until someone blows out a tire.
Seems like this is a regular event, here in Freeland. Who knew?

Well, that's about it from Freeland this week, mostly boring this week, although the trees have started changing colors with alarming speed.

So you can watch people ruin tires, or do nothing but watch the leaves change color.

Or, you could respond to an email from an old pal, let him know you are still alive and doing the Freeland thing. Here is a photo of "El Roy Du Blockbuster™" Rick, C. 1995

Friday, September 18, 2015

Burn bridges, destroy the past.

If you don't burn bridges, and destroy the past, it is likely to come back some day when you least expect it.

And it will not be fun. The chickens, they always come to roost.

I think it was Geoffrey Chaucer, in 1390, that said it best:

And ofte tyme swich cursynge wrongfully retorneth agayn to hym that curseth, as a bryd that retorneth agayn to his owene nest.
What he was saying, in a nutshell, some things are like shooting an arrow straight up in the air during the night.

Not a good idea.

My point; not destroying certain evidence, before entered into public record, also not a good idea.

If someone finds something, and is poking his/her nose where it does not belong, then starts asking a lot of questions, this is called "discovery".

This investigative process named "discovery," is because it often turns up facts and documents that were previously unknown -- to at least one party to the lawsuit.

Or kids, not involved in a lawsuit at all, but who were looking through boxes in the attic they had no business opening in the first place.

And began asking questions.

Several questions.

Because they came across this gem.


C. 1986
At work,  Hangar C-1, Westchester County Airport.

Just another day.

'course I didn't actually fly the planes.

Only just during my flying lessons.

I did pass all the tests I took back then though.
Note the little white happy-face just above Buck Wheat.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Random thoughts

Ok, so this animated garden gnome, Guy Fieri, has a TV show, "Diners, drive-ins and dives"


Good luck with that, Guy.

When was the last time you got food poisoning and went back for seconds?
I must have dined at Swanky Frank's 20 times or more after I got laid low from the scallop sandwich. Didn't stop me from going back.

 I have lost count of the number of greasy spoons I have enjoyed over the years, one of the best, Rosemary's Texas Taco up on Rt. 22

Best burritos ever.
Only a buck, if I remember. She had photos on the wall of her selling tacos to Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix and Andrew Warhol. And a bunch of other 60's freaks I did not recognize. 

Last time I was there the Health Department made her move the monkey... but I noticed the parrot was still there.

 How many restaurants can boast that fact.  

"The Health Department made me move the monkey"

Sometimes it's interesting to see just how bad bad writing can be. This promised to go the limit. I wondered what a handwriting expert would make of that childish scrawl of hers...She sat coiled up like a watch spring, her cigarette clamped in a curious holder. I could sense her eyes on me from behind those dark glasses, defying me not to like what I read, or maybe begging me in her own proud way to like it. It meant so much to her. It sure was a cozy set-up. That bundle of raw nerves, and Max, and that dead monkey upstairs, and the wind wheezing through that organ once in a while.

Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Next thought; when we first moved here, we paid $85 for 100 lbs. of lp gas. Next filling, $75 for 100 lbs. Today, $65 for 100 lbs. of lp gas. If this is due to fracking, well go ahead and frack away.

Sometimes I think that stuff that goes on here in PA would not go over so well in places like New York or California.

Monday, September 7, 2015

labor day

Now I know why here in PA they were called minors.

January 1911. South Pittston, Pa. "Breaker boys working in Ewen Breaker of Pennsylvania Coal Co." Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine.

They called him "Pops" because he was in his 20's.

 And was not dead.


Then there is "the old timer" he was almost 40.

Wall-eye Schmitt probably did not make it to 15. But who knows?

Anyhow, Happy Labor day everyone.


Next up:


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Almost forgot

Today we passed around Centrailla PA  on our way for BBQ.

After doing some research we will go back to Centrailla, most likely Wednesday or the weekend. Just need to know a few things first.

1) will we be arrested
2) will we need gas masks
3) will we need asbestos undies

See, Centrailla is a ghost town, and has been since 1962, when the coal mine under the town caught fire, and has been burning ever since.

I will be posting about this soon.

You bet.

The road to Centrailla:

The Greasy Spoon


High-fat, high-calorie menu items.
That can not be resisted.

 Haven't been to one of these since November, when we went to the Diggity Dog, over in Lehighton.

 Technicality not a greasy spoon, in the strictest way, but  everyone wanted to wash their hands on the way out none the less.

 I have always been a fan of fiberglass cannibalistic humanoid food-art.

 So today Mary found this gem, "Well done Q"

 What can I say? It was good, and they claim to have the best BBQ in town (see below).

 We had the brisket, with half Texas City sauce, hot and tangy. and half Carolina sauce, mustard and red wine vinegar. They also had Texas country sauce, sweet and smokey but I didn't want sweet with brisket.

 By the time you move along and pay, they have upped the ante to "World's best" status. No butts about it.

 So the next time you are passing through Catawissa, PA stop by 240 Southern Drive,
here is the menu:

And now we are home to a wholesome, healthy meal of broiled chicken with cherry peppers, sauteed spinach with shallots in browned butter, and tossed mixed greens salad.
(click on the images for a larger preview)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

From the local paper today

Here is a photo I came across in the newspaper today.

People say print is a dead medium.

Nobody reads the local papers anymore.

If I did not glance at the local paper from time to time, I would have missed this:

I will bet you a million dollars his dad looked like this the day he mentioned he wants to be a professional unicyclist.

In Hazleton PA.

Ok, so here we go again.

For some reason nothing for September 1
02) VJ day (WWll)
03) Sky scraper day
04) Newspaper boy day
05) cheese pizza day (is there another kind? I mean with out cheese, it is bread and tomato sauce)
06) Read a book day
07) Labor day
08) Literacy day
09) Teddy bear day
10) Sewing machine day
11) Make your bed day
12) Chocolate milk shake day
13) Defy superstition day
14) Cream filled donut day
15) Make a hat day
16) Collect rocks day
17) Apple dumpling day
18) Cheeseburger day
19) Talk like a pirate day
20) Woman's fellowship day
21) Minature golf day
22) Elephant appreciation day
23) Dog in politics day
24) Cherries jublee day
25) Comic book day
26) Rabbit day
27) Crush a can day
28) Ask a stupid question day
29) Confucius day -  get a fortune cookie
30) Mud pack day

I am not sure what to do with the dog in politics day or the mud pack day, but what ever.

Here in Freeland we celebrate every day as a good day.

In Freeland PA.