Friday, December 25, 2015

Oberlin College

Students are filling the school newspaper with complaints and demanding meetings with campus dining officials and even the college president.


General Tso’s chicken was made with steamed chicken instead of fried

Banh mi Vietnamese sandwiches served with coleslaw instead of pickled vegetables, and on ciabatta bread, rather than the traditional French baguette.

Worse, the sushi rice was undercooked in a way that was, according to one student, “disrespectful” of her culture.

 The cafeteria there wasn’t serving enough vegan and vegetarian options and had failed to make fried chicken a permanent feature on the Sunday night menu.

The Nevada-based Universal Society of Hinduism joined the food fight last week after students discovered that the traditional Indian dish, tandoori, contained beef.

The Horror. The Horror.

Some years ago 18 year olds were storming beaches, not bitching about what kind of bread the sandwich is made of.

Tell that guy your sandwich is on the wrong kind of bread.

I remember once the copier broke at work, and some guy said "This is the worst day ever."

I said "You should go have a talk with my grandfather, his worst day ever was Anzio"

He said who is Anzio?

Something tells me some people will never get it.

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