Thursday, December 3, 2015


So I was in Staples the other day.
I was explaining my dissatisfaction with a two month old printer that was no longer working. As best as I could, I stated that my anger was not about the young sales clerk, that I understood she was just doing a job.


I have a printer that does not print. Which is the whole point of having a printer.

She said to take it over to Lattemer St. in Hazelton.

I don't know where that is.

Well do you know where the CVS is? on 309?


 We moved here a while ago, but I still do not know my way around.

She said, "You moved here? from where?"

New York, said I.

"Oh wow! I went to New York once, but that was a field trip from High school, so we were not allowed to wander around so that dosn't count"

Whydja move here?

Witness Protection Program

She said "They really have that? I thought that was just in movies! Wait until I tell my husband! No Kidding?
How did you get into that?"

When you see Vinnie "Crazy Legs" Morlino kack someone in the back of the head with a .22 you can either hope he trusts you, or  throw in with the feds. I chose the feds.


 About this printer.

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